Saturday, April 11, 2009

3-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

I make smoothies almost everyday. Usually, I throw the following ingredients into my Vitamix blender:

frozen bananas and/or blueberries
baby spinach leaves
rice milk (or almond or soy)
hemp protein powder
ice cubes

And I love this smoothie. But I'm ready to take it to the next level and so I decided to participate in a 3-day green smoothie cleanse with direction from nutritionist Meghan Telpner of the Making Love in the Kitchen blog.

I always fast once a year, on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. While difficult, I've always managed to get through until the fast is broken after sundown.

But this fast is different. There's no higher moral purpose for doing it (though I might feel differently when it's over). So why put myself through three days of a juice fast? It's simple, really:

1. I've always wanted to try fasting for more than one day.
2. I like the idea of having it be a supervised fast, even if it's from afar.
3. Meghan is going to supply participants with a very thorough information, so we will be well-prepared for this three day journey to spring wellness and health.
4. I don't think I will be beyond hungry at any given point. I know this because I had to do a juice & light liquids fast for a full day before a recent colonoscopy and it wasn't difficult at all. Whenever I got hungry, I drank juice or vegetable broth.

So, come on along. If you're interested in joining us, please go here for further information.


  1. Thanks for your awesome post.

    I drink a similar smoothie every morning: blueberries, mango, banana, strawberries--all organic, all frozen, hemp and rice milk. No ice needed when you use frozen while fresh fruit. I also add flax seed--ground up about a tablespoon and a half. Is that something you can eat? I will add spinach tomorrow. Love you, green lady!

  2. My favorite blender is the VitaMix 5200. It is a FREAK OUT of a blender.

  3. Hi Julie Silver!!!

    Sounds like our smoothies are related. A picture of my usual smoothie can be found here:, I didn't include the recipe because of copyright issues. But it's basically the same as yours with two additional ingredients - spinach....enough to tinge the color of the smoothie but not enough to taste it....and a little bit of agave.


    love, Ellen

    P.S. Yes, the Vitamix 5200 is friggin' amazing.

  4. Hey, Ellen--Thanks for posting on my blog and adding me to your blog roll!

    It's funny to come here today and see your link to your previous post on Go Dairy Free, because I also just met Alisa, the author. This book has some fantastic reviews so I want to read it soon.

    Smoothies are something I really need ot get into more, but to keep my life simple and easy (my gfe approach) I'll work with what my grocery store and newly formed farmer's market offer.

    Best of luck with your cleanse!

  5. I can't wait to hear how the cleanse goes for you! I won't be able to participate (timing issue) so I will have to do one on my own. I love that it is smoothies rather than juicing, so cool!

  6. Hi Alisa - glad you stopped by to say hey today. I'm nervous and excited about the smoothie fast! I've always wanted to do one and it will be good to be supervised by a holistic nutritionist. Be well!
    best, Ellen

  7. Green smoothies ROCK! Love them!


  8. Hi Ellen,

    Can't wait to hear how the juice fast goes. BTW, the link to Megan's site wasn't working--I wanted to check it out and wasn't able to.

    Hope you're having a wonderful Passover--you're so innovative and I'm so impressed that you were able to not only cook vegan, but gluten-free as well.

    I'm wondering how you are able to continue to juice with your hectic travel schedule.

    I got off-schedule with so much recent travel back & forth during my mother-in-law's illness.

    So glad to be back on the juice track! It absolutely makes such a difference.

    I'm a huge fan of adding Lacinato kale to my Green Smoothie. It's at the top of the nutrition scale & much milder in taste than regular kale. Give it a try, if you haven't already.

    Here's my Green Smoothie adventure:

  9. Dear Healthy Librarian,

    Thanks for notifying me about the broken link - I just fixed it.

    And thanks for the link to your green smoothie which I printed out and will have for tomorrow's breakfast!

    best, Ellen

  10. Dear Healthy Librarian,

    I forgot to answer your other questions. It is hard to stay healthy when we travel, but thankfully, I can almost always find a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's in the cities in which we perform ( In terms of juicing, I'm going to purchase one of those Magic Bullets and travel with it. That way I can have my cake (or smoothies in this case) and eat it too!

    Passover was so much fun. I loved planning it and I loved preparing it. This year was our first totally vegan Passover. And I humbly submit that it was a success. It was definitely a lot of work, but I was pretty well-prepared and had a schedule for when I needed to prep, cook, etc. So it worked out perfectly.

    Best, Ellen

  11. I'm doing the cleanse too!! YAY!! Can't wait!! I actually am having a green smoothie right now! I'm hoping that after the cleanse I will continute to eat at least 1 green smoothie a day for a meal! ;-)
