Thursday, April 2, 2009

Gluten-Free & Vegan Vegetable & Bean Enchiladas

Sensuous Vegan Vegetable and Bean Enchiladas. Heavenly. Every bite full of vegan cheesey and bean and potato and carrot goodness.

The recipe comes from one of my newest (and already a favorite) cookbooks called The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook by Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre. On the front cover of the book it says "A complete nutritional and cooking guide for every stage of life, including over 200 gluten-free, dairy-free, and egg-free recipes." That is completely true - this book is a treasure trove of information, from details about nutrition to an explanation about sensitivities with gluten, dairy, and eggs to advice on how to ease into more of a whole foods diet to stocking your whole foods pantry to a wide variety of recipes. Though not all vegan, the recipes very much revolve around eating a plant-based diet. There's also a detailed explanation of Tom's 28 Day Elimination & Detoxification diet. This is a fantastic resource and I can't recommend it enough.

Let me wax poetic about this enchilada casserole. I only made half the recipe, which made one pan of enchiladas. This was enough for two people with one entire meal leftover for tomorrow night. Next time, I will follow the recipe and make two casseroles, freezing one per the instructions. It is definitely a keeper!

I made a couple of changes to the recipe. For the tortilla filling, I didn't have any yams or zucchini so I subbed russet potatoes and carrots. And though not included in the recipe, I made a Vegan Mexican Nachos sauce and poured it over the casserole for the last five minutes of baking it. The flavor of the inside of the enchiladas was so yummy even without the nachos sauce, but I'm glad I added it, as I can never get enough Vegan cheeze sauce. Every single time I make it, I'm stunned by how much it tastes like cheese!

The enchilada sauce was homemade and so worth the effort. One of the surprise ingredients is cocoa powder. You could not detect it in the sauce but I'm sure it added a richness to it. Not to mention the smokey flavor from the dried chilis.

For those of you who have been regularly reading my blog, you might notice the glaring absence of eggs (as well as dairy). The explanation for this deserves more than a few sentences, but for now, let me tell you about one of the most profound influences on my decision to become a vegan. I've been listening to podcasts recorded by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau from Colleen is articulate and cares so deeply about animals. She has helped me become more determined to make veganism work for me. For now, please take a look at this video - it will give you some insight into why I've chosen to walk this path. The video was found on on April 2, 2009.

This morning I made Vegan french toast, or Fronch toast as it's called in Vegan With A Vengeance, otherwise referred to in the vegan world as VWAV. I was suspicious, I'll admit. I mean, I really am a french toast fanatic. I couldn't imagine how I could get the french toast to be crisp on the outside. I always used to think that the egg gave it the crispness. Not true. No eggs in this recipe and it worked like a charm. Take a look at this picture, you'll see what I mean:

So tell me, nu (that's Yiddish for "tell me already"), what are you cooking up these days? Anything yummy?


  1. Those look really good. I too am a big fan of Ali and her wonderful cookbook Whole Life Nutrition. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi! Thanks for the comment. Your blog looks wonderful I just added you to my recommended GF blog list. Let's stay in touch!


  3. That is seriously one the most delicious vegan meals I have seen. I just ordered the book. I am slowly heading in a vegan direction. I have been off meat and poultry for over a year and it seems that all that is left in my diet that comes from animals is eggs and the occasional sheep milk or goat milk yogurt. It has been such a natural progression that I think the vegan in me is about ready to emerge.

  4. Hi Meghan,

    I totally am right there with you. I can't say I'm a complete vegan - not really sure why. Even as I write this, I have no reason to believe that I'm not a vegan. I've been making very deliberate choices to avoid all animal flesh and animal secretions (including eggs) and in the last few months, I've been 99% successful. The only two things left (I think) are Worcestershire sauce which I rarely use (the only vegetarian Worcestershire sauce I know of has wheat in it which is a no-no for me) and fish sauce - I do a lot of Asian cooking and that's a tough one to give up. But I'm pretty close to losing both of those. The decision to eat like this didn't happen overnight - it's definitely been a slow, gradual process. Listening to Colleen's podcasts which I referenced in this post has definitely sped up the process. I have to say that from a health standpoint, I feel terrific! But for personal reasons, I needed to do it for more than my own needs. That's where Colleen has been helpful. Looking at it from the perspective of being compassionate to all living creatures has really pushed me to a whole new level. Well, I think this is the longest comment I've ever made on my own blog! Anyway, thanks for stopping by!


  5. I am going to check out this cook book and I am dying to make these enchiladas! Thanks for posting this awesome information!

  6. Dear Endless Possibilities,

    The enchiladas are SOOOOOO good. You'll love them. And so glad you're going to order the book. It's a keeper!

  7. I also cannot eat gluten, dairy or eggs, and while I'm not vegan, we do our best to be ethically conscious about what we do eat. I just can't give up the bacon!!! We also eat less meat.

    How did you make your french toast? I used bananas and almond milk (with cinnamon, nutmeg, all-spice, cardamom, cloves, fresh grated ginger and citrus peel) and it's so awesome. Yum yum. :)
