Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hearty Four Grain Gluten Free Hot Cereal

There's nothing like a hearty breakfast to hold you through the morning. I've been eating this cereal for a few months now and absolutely love it. When I first found out I had Celiac Disease, I met with a nutritionist. She encouraged me to experiment with hearty grains like millet and quinoa. It took me awhile to follow her advice, but now that I've gone over to the hearty grain side, my tummy is very happy.

Full of four hearty grains, this cereal packs a powerful nutritional punch. I adapted the recipe from this recipe on Gnowfglins blog (one of my faves). Wardeh's recipe doesn't include oats and she cooks it on the stove for a larger bunch of hungry mungries. In addition to adding oats to the recipe, I adapted it for one AND I make it in my pressure cooker. If you don't have one and have been thinking about buying one, I would encourage you to do so. They're marvelous tools - a great time-saver and it also keeps your kitchen from getting too hot. If you don't have a pressure cooker but want to make this cereal, take a look at the recipe on Gnowfglins blog and follow her directions.

Hearty Four Grain Gluten Free Hot Cereal
adapted by Ellen Allard from Gnowfglins blog
(Printable Recipe)

1 tbsp millet
1 tbsp oats (make sure they're gluten free)
1 tbsp quinoa
1 1/2 tsp amaranth
3/4 cup milk (I've made it with rice milk, almond milk, soy milk, and hemp milk - they all work well)
1/4 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp dried cranberries (Trader Joe's has lovely organic dried cranberries, but there is sugar in the ingredient list. I always rinse them to remove some of the sugar.)
chopped walnuts and pecans (or your choice of nuts)

Rinse all four grains together in a very fine strainer. It has to be be very fine or the amaranth grains will fall out. Pour the rinsed grains into your pressure cooker. Add the milk, cinnamon, and dried cranberries. Bring to high pressure, immediately reduce heat and cook for exactly three minutes. Turn heat off and allow the pressure to release naturally - this shouldn't take more than about 5 minutes. I like my cereal a little thicker, so I let it sit for another 5 +/- minutes.

It's sweet from the cranberries, but I like to add a touch of agave nectar to my hot cereal. Lately, I've been using Volcanic Nectar Agave. It's a bit pricey, but very delicious. I also top it with chopped walnuts and pecans.

What is your favorite gluten free hot cereal? Come on, dish!


  1. I would love to try this recipe. Looks great! I've been using BRM Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal. I've got to get myself a smaller pressure cooker... all I have is a pressure canner...

  2. Ooooo this sounds very good. I love the combination of grains. I have never tried buckwheat groats, but they sound like a great breakfast. Have you tried them?

  3. i love buckwheat groats/kasha for breakfast with agave and lots of cinnamon. lately i have also been enjoying ruth's chia goodness cereal. it's super fast to make (i add milk and microwave for 1-2 minutes) and great with some frozen blueberries thrown in (until the fresh ones come along).

  4. This sounds so good! I'm going to give it a try in my crockpot overnight.

  5. OOOH, Diane. Let me know how it works in the crockpot. Great idea!


  6. I alternate between three favs:

    1. cooked quinoa, popped amaranth, raisins, dates, lots of cinnamon, walnuts, and a bit of soy milk to hold it all together.

    2. BRM mighty tasty hot cereal + cheddar cheese and walnuts

    3. unroasted buckwheat + parm and walnuts

    mmm, now you've got me thinking about breakfast, and I'm totally jealous of your pressure cooker.

  7. If you don't want the added sugar from the cranberries, you might want to try subbing dried cherries for the cranberries. TJ's has some very tart, unsweetened ones that would do the trick.

    Glad I stumbled upon your blog - I'll be back! :)
