Monday, May 11, 2009

Worcester, MA Wild Willy's GF Menu EVERY DAY!!!

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a restaurant in Worcester, MA that was introducing a gluten free menu to their existing menu. In just a few weeks, the restaurant saw a great response! Due to a very successful introduction and a strong demand, Wild Willy's Burgers of Worcester, Ma announced that they are expanding their GF gluten free menu availability to EVERY DAY from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm.

What does this mean for me and my husband? Though I don't eat meat, it means that I can eat crisp, hot, delicious, freshly cut french fries every single day of the week! And a crisp, green salad! And pickles! And I can wash it down with an ice cold Redbridge beer. And my husband who also eats gluten free can eat a grilled burger or grilled chicken sandwich with fries and pickles and he can wash it down with a milkshake!

In our travels, we've noticed a large increase in restaurants that offer GF menus. I'm still not entirely convinced that they all know what they're doing. We recently went to a restaurant in Columbus, OH called Cap City Diner. They boast a GF menu. When I asked the chef (he came out to answer my questions) whether the french fries were made in a dedicated fryer, he said "Why does it matter?". At that point, I knew that I had to be VERY careful about what I ordered. I would've gotten up and left had we not been with a number of other diners. I dealt with it, but will never go there again.

Fast forward to Wild Willy's of Worcester, Massachusetts. They were so fortunate to have the expert guidance of Rick Fask of Good For Life foods. He helped them get started, thoroughly and carefully explaining how they could make sure they offered a first class, safe GF dining experience. And bingo, that's what they have. For anyone who owns a restaurant, if you want to offer a GF menu, PLEASE, make sure you know what you're doing. Trust me, you want an expert like Rick Fask who can help you cover all the bases. He can be reached at 508-754-1401, or by email at

By the way, I have absolutely no financial investment in this matter - the only thing I care about is letting restaurants know that they can safely offer GF dining to the public. Rick was a significant force in helping two area Worcester restaurants not only develop a GF menu but he also helped train their staffs so that all of them knew how to prepare safe, delicious GF food. He has consulted with other restaurants outside of Worcester as well, so he is truly a pioneer for all Celiacs and for anyone wanting to eat gluten free in a restaurant. Thank you Rick!!!

So, if you're in the area, head to Wild Willy's of Worcester. And if you have a local Wild Willy's, call them and tell them you'd love to see them do the same thing as Worcester's Wild Willy's. And every time you visit a restaurant, if they don't have a GF menu, suggest to the manager that they consider adding GF to their menu. If we all continue to ask, GF menus might just become par for the course!


  1. Hi! I live in the area too (Spencer) and did not know about Wild Willy's. Thanks for the info. Love your blog!

  2. Hi Arleen,

    You are welcome! Please let me know when you try it - I'm eager (and so is the restaurant - for feedback. I'm sure you'll love it!


  3. Is their menu cf/df friendly too by chance?

  4. Alisa - some of the menu is cf/df. As usual, I pick and choose. But there is definitely enough to make a meal out of. As for me, I'm happy as can be with french fries and beer:).


  5. Anonymous1:17 PM

    the whole world should just have two separate kitchens to accomidate your ailment..riiiight..Celiac's isn't an allergy, you will not go into anaphalactic shock because of a fryalator and it's ridiculous that you sneered at a chef who was simply trying to do you a service providing SOMETHING for you to eat when most places couldn't care less. how rude, self centered and self righteous can you be? People like you are the reason so few places are happy to accomodate dietary needs..the problem is perhaps your head and not your digestive tract...good grief.
