Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gluten Free Rolls From A Breads From Anna Mix

Rolls, again.

Warm, crusty, soft on the inside rolls. Doesn't get much better than that.

You might be noticing a pattern:). I like practicing things until I get them right. Comes from being a classically trained pianist. Hours and hours practicing one passage, over and over.

So, with all the gluten free baking I've been doing, I've learned that even though I'm a make-it-from-scratch kinda person, sometimes I just have to let go and use a mix. You know what I'm talking about, right?

And here's something else I've learned. Drum roll. This is a big one. If you allow yourself to start thinking outside of the box, you realize that you can use a bread mix for making rolls. You just have to punt a little.

Earlier this afternoon, I made a Spicy 13 bean soup and let it simmer all day on the stove. I thought that rolls would be perfect to accompany the soup but I didn't have time to make them from scratch so I used a Breads From Anna Gluten Free Classic Herb Bread mix. Except instead of making a loaf of bread, I made 12 rolls in 2 muffin tins made for 6 large-sized muffins in each tin. Sounds like part of a question on a math exam, doesn't it?! They were delicious, soft on the inside and crisp on the outside.
Wondering how I got them to look like Parker House (or clover) rolls? I used a small ice cream scoop and scooped three balls of dough into each muffin cup.

Here's a neat trick - before you scoop out the dough (it's really more like batter - that's the nature of gluten free bread dough), use vegetable spray to coat the ice cream scoop. That way the dough will slide out much more easily than if you don't spray the scoop. I had a little dough left over so I added a fourth scoop to some of the rolls.

If you make rolls from this bread mix, follow the directions on the back of the bread mix exactly as written. Except instead of spooning the dough into a loaf pan, scoop it into the muffin tins as I explained above. Let rise until dough reaches the same level as the top of each muffin cup. This took about 40 minutes. Keep in mind that depending on where you live, the temperature, time of year, altitude, the rising time could vary.

I baked the rolls for 20 minutes at 375 degrees farenheight. The outside of some of the rolls got a bit overdone so the next time I will bake them in a 350 degree oven instead. But I will check them at 15 minutes and if they start to get too dark or overdone, I will cover them with foil for the last five minutes.

Do yourself a HUGE favor. If you've never tasted a Breads From Anna bread, order a loaf. It's worth every penny. BTW, I am not affiliated with the company. Just a huge fan.

Spicy 13 bean soup. Parker House rolls. A great weeknight meal with leftovers to boot!


  1. Love your site! This roll recipe/trick looks great! Would you consider adding an RSS feed for your tweets? Thanks!

  2. cv - um, could you explain? I'm not exactly sure what you mean by an RSS feed for my tweets. As it stands, I always go to Twitter and tweet about any new posts I add to my blog. But I think you're talking about something else??? Please educate me. Thank you!

  3. Yummy! I am fond of Pamela's baking mix, but will have to try Breads from Anna too! I like to do my own thing in the baking arena, but since I'm just starting out, I figure mixes are a good way to go.

  4. I love Breads From Anna too. I'm not a baker so I need lots of help. I also can't have rice and so I'm usually good with her mixes. I even have a couple of the herb bread mixes around. I'm going to make some. How long are you able to keep these rolls around in terms of days? Do you think it will be like the bread? Some rolls you make and they only have a good texture or consistency for the first day.

  5. Tasty Eats At Home - I'm almost 4 years doing gluten free and I can attest to the need for gluten free mixes now and then. Really saves you when you're in a pinch for time.

    Diane - I had one of the rolls today for lunch. it wasn't as soft as when I first made them last night, but it was still delicious. I took it with me in my lunch box, but if I were home, I'll bet warming it up would've softened it. Still, it was DELICIOUS! I put some hummus on it and it was really yum.

  6. Playin_d_fiddle4:54 PM

    Rolls are well and good, but where's the spicy 13 bean soup recipe?!?! :)

    /dutifully checks out breadsfromanna.com to make an order

  7. Playin_d_fiddle - okey dokey, I'll post the Spicy 13 bean soup tomorrow!


  8. Re: RSS for Twitter: It's a way to subscribe to Twitter updates without logging in to Twitter or reading only the latest few on a web page. The Tweets show up in a feed reader along with blog posts. Then one can track all of them and search them easily.

    I'm afraid I haven't the faintest idea how to set one up though here's a little info that might help...


  9. Oh man, those rolls look heavenly!! I love breads, and I try to be as gluten-free as possible, though it's not required for me - I just tend to feel better when I do GF (it's funny, non-vegans tell me the same thing about vegan dishes I make).. Anywho, I'm totally going to have to give these a try. I'm a "scratch" person myself, but I'll take your word on using a mix.. :) I'll let you know how it goes!

  10. Valerie (who you know from Ann Arbor)11:08 PM

    Oh these look heavenly!!!

  11. Anonymous1:13 PM

    OMG - so I made the breads from anna as bread last week and didn't proof the yeast properly and it was generally a disaster. This week I worked harder and yeast was perfect and SO ARE THE ROLLS. OMFG these are incredible - thanks so muych for posting this. I also made a loaf of bread - still in oven, so we'll see how that goes too.

  12. CV - Thanks!

    Sara - have you tried them yet? And yes, my tummy felt much better after going GF.

    Valerie - yes, I know you!!! They are heavenly - and they freeze beautifully too!

    Anonymous - so glad you didn't give up. Let me know how the bread comes out!

