Friday, September 4, 2009

Multi-Grain Homestyle Gluten Free Bread Recipe

To all of my fellow gluten free bakers and bloggers, my hats off to you. I now realize how truly challenging and scientific it is to come up with an original gluten free bread recipe, especially one you like.

I've thrown out more finished loaves of gluten free bread than you can shake a stick at. Like lead, they landed in the trash while I watched dollar bills float off in the air.

But this time, with unbridled determination and a decision to keep at it day after day after day, I read and I studied bread recipes in the cookbooks I own, and I read and studied bread recipes online at different blogs and other websites (gluten free and those with gluten). I wanted to learn as much as I could about the science and art of gluten free bread baking. I suppose that watching the movie Julie & Julia inspired me just a little. A girl can dream, ya' know:).

And then I put on my apron and rolled up my sleeves. And I often stayed up way past my bedtime or got up with the birds, just to keep baking. And I often ran to the market because I ran out of potato starch or yeast or eggs or something I couldn't do without. Our beautiful kitchen counter hasn't seen the light of day, covered though it's been with recipes and cookbooks and pretty much everything from our cupboards! I lived, ate, slept, dreamed, and talked gluten free bread. The science of it, the smell of it, the taste of it, the texture of it, the everything of it. We've been all things gluten free bread in this house. And I baked and I baked until I found a gluten free loaf I could call my own.

I also tried making the recipe subbing in flaxseed meal and water for the eggs. It came out ok, but I wasn't thrilled. It was much shorter in stature and a bit too gummy for my liking. If you want to try it, use 2 tbsp flaxseed meal mixed with 6 tbsp hot water instead of the eggs. Or you might try Ener-g egg replacer. Maybe you'll have better luck than I. If so, please let me know in the comments.

Don't get me wrong. I'm totally in favor of packaged gluten free bread mixes. And I mean totally. There is definitely a time and place for them. Especially Breads From Anna. Anyone who reads my blog knows that I am a huge fan of Anna's bread mixes. They're delicious and healthy. Stop the presses. It doesn't get much better.

And I also have the utmost respect for the pioneers in the field on whose shoulders all contemporary gluten free bakers stand. People who have been in the field testing and trying recipes and different combinations of gluten free flours and grains. People like Bette Hagman and Annalise Roberts and Breads from Anna and the myriad of others who are making our gluten free lives easier. Kudos and hip hip hooray to all of them.

I suppose you might find yourself thinking that you'd never make a bread with so many ingredients. If you've had any experience with gluten free baking, you know that it's par for the course to have to combine numerous flours. In my opinion, it's worth the extra expense and effort. I had me one mean tunafish sandwich today. And the bread - soft and pliable and tasty, just like I want my gluten free bread to be.

I wanted a gluten free bread that came as close to whole wheat bread as possible. In taste and texture and mouth feel. I wanted no nasty aftertaste. I wanted soft but not wonder-bread-stick-to-the-roof-of-your-mouth. I wanted a bread that tasted good without having to toast it. And I'm proud to say, this bread meets my critera. I still have to do a little work on it. I'm not sure why one side of the top of the bread sank. It might have to do with the fact that I put it on our porch to cool. The quick temperature change might've shocked the bread and caused it to sink a little. Anyone else have any thoughts about this?

If you decide to try this recipe, follow the directions exactly!!! If you substitute any ingredients or change any of the procedures, it's quite possible that your bread will not come out as well as you might hope.

Multi-Grain Gluten Free Homestyle Bread
created by Ellen Allard

(Please note that today, April 26, 2010, I've edited the recipe instructions.)

Yeast Mixture:
½ cup water, 105 - 10 degrees
2 tsp active dry yeast
pinch of sugar

Dry Ingredients:
1/3 cup millet flour
1/3 cup sorghum flour
1/3 cup tapioca starch
½ cup potato starch
¼ cup teff flour
¼ cup cornstarch
¼ cup ground flaxmeal
2 tbsp garfava flour
1 tbsp rice bran
1 tbsp soy milk powder
2 ½ tsp xanthan gum
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sure-jel, optional
¼ tsp agar, optional

Wet Ingredients:
2 eggs
2 egg whites
1/2 cup soymilk or water, 105 - 110 degrees
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp honey
2 tsp apple cider vinegar

Grease 9x5” bread pan. Combine yeast mixture ingredients, mix and cover with saran wrap. When it develops a head of foam, it is ready – should take 5 – 10 minutes.

Combine dry ingredients from millet through agar. Whisk well.

Put wet ingredients from eggs through vinegar into bowl of mixer (or free standing bowl). Mix on medium speed, combining well. Leaving mixer running, slowly add proofed yeast. Mix well. Then slowly add dry ingredients. Scraping the sides as needed with a wet spatula, mix for 3 ½ minutes.

Pour into pan, cover with tea towel or saran wrap and let it rise for about 60 minutes or until it reaches top of pan.

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, then check to see if top of bread has gotten too dark. If so, tent with foil. Bake for 20 more minutes. Use thermometer to see if inside of bread has reached 208 degrees – if not, return to oven for a few more minutes.

Remove from oven and sit on cooling rack for five minutes then remove from pan and let cool. DO NOT CUT bread until thoroughly cooled off.

Click here for printable recipe

Yum. What's your favorite gluten free bread recipe?


  1. Holy GF bread...yum!

  2. Wow! You must be on the same wavelength as me! I have been trying and trying to make or alter or come up with a gluten-free bread that tastes good, especially a multi-grain one! This one will definitely be on my list to make as soon as all the flours I just ordered arrive. Thank you! Thank you! for all your time in the kitchen! You deserve a Julie and Julia award, definitely! Congratulations! And just so you know, I have definitely been there-bricks of bread just down the garbage and into the trash, over and over again! (Which, when I was home for the summer made my parents very upset- they can't understand how it is to be GF and make bread :) ) Anyway, congrats again!

    PS. Where do you get your rice bran? I can't seem to find it?

    Also, would you mind if I posted or if you posted your bread under my post about the best gluten-free breads and recipe exchange on my site? See it here:

  3. I made this bread last night. I had to see if my sister Ellen got it right. Well, it came out beautiful. Mine sank a little bit overnight while waiting for me to dig in when I awoke. I toasted it and it was so good. I know that I am sensitive to aftertastes. This one has a teeny, teeny one, almost negligible! So, not eating the whole loaf today is my goal! A sandwich at lunch, perhaps! YUMMY Ellen....Love you.....

  4. Pam - yup, yum.

    Ari - done! See your blog. And I get my rice bran either from Whole Foods or our local small health foods store.

    Faye - glad you liked it! I'm guessing that the aftertaste is from the small amount of garfava. I would recommend eliminating it and replacing the small amt with one of the other healthy flours in the recipe (not the white ones). Garfava is a flour that is high in protein and the protein is important for the structure of the bread, which is why I'm suggesting replacing it with one of the flours that is also higher in protein (not the white flours). Try that and see if it works. love, your sis

  5. OMG!! I just had a ham and rice cheese sandwich with mayo. I cannot tell you how excited I am. YOU DID IT! It is so good, so soft, so "no aftertaste" and so perfect!!!You are my hero!!! love you too sis!!

  6. Cindy Z.6:12 PM

    I just made your bread recipe in my Zojirushi and had to leave a comment. Ellen, your very hard work paid off! The finished product was perfectly shaped and HIGH with the ideal amount and size of air holes-not too many or big. I have made many a GF bread recipe in the past 6 years and this is the best! I often have a problem with bread recipes from blogs since everyone comes from different geographical areas. I find that I often have a bread that collapses due to too much liquid and have to adjust the fluid content downward to get success. Yours was perfect! I DID make one change to your son has a soy allergy so I substituted 2% milk and powdered milk for the soy milk ingredients. Oh and I did I mention how delicious and nutritious it is?? I love baking with Teff and was so glad to see a recipe including it!

  7. Hi CindyZ,

    THANK YOU! I'm so happy to have cracked the code! And reading your comment just makes all the work worth my time and effort. I'm so glad you tried it and found success with it in your machine. I was just about to make it in my Zojirushi as well when I read your comment.

    I was wondering how readers would feel about the long list of ingredients, but obviously you rose to the challenge:).

    Today I worked on a burger roll and I am VERY pleased with it. I think you'll love it. I'll be posting it in the next few days.

    All this in preparation for a bread baking class I'm teaching on Sat., Sept. 12 at the Fallon Clinic's Celiac Support group Fall meeting in Worcester, MA.

    Thanks for your comment!

  8. Ok, you are seriously sending me to the kitchen right this instant! Ahhhh, bread craving.

  9. Hello - just discovered your blog. I will be trying the cinnamon buns this morning for Sunday brunch :)
    Both my husband and I are GF/DF as well as all of our 7 children. The bread recipe that we use (12-16 loaves/week) is posted on my blog. I am looking forward to looking through your blog!

  10. Hi CinnamonQuill - did you make the bread??!!! Let me know!

    Hi Jennstar - did you make the cinnamon buns???!!!! Let me know!


  11. THANK YOU! I had to sub in quinoa for the millet and I used two tbs. of almond meal instead of the rice bran and soy milk powder but it still came out just fine. I actually enjoyed GF bread for the first time! My daughter and two of my grandchildren are GF and one is also dairy free. She has 4 children and little time to experiment with breads so I've been doing the experimenting for her. I baked a loaf of your bread and mailed it to her and she really liked it. Best of all, my 5year old grandson asked "Is this bread gluten-free?" when he tasted it. That has to be the highest compliment - just wanted you to know!
