Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gluten Free Felafel

Ellen: "It's 5 PM and I haven't a clue what to make for dinner."

Peter: "How about pasta with that delicious dairy-free red pepper cheeze sauce?"

Ellen: "Ummmmmmm, well, er, ok. Maybe. We'll see."

Peter leaves room. Ellen loves that cheeze sauce, but it just isn't floating her boat tonight.

Ellen: "Felafel. Yeah! Felafel, that's the ticket."

Ellen dons her apron. Then frowns.

Ellen: "Darn. Wish we had pita. Don't have time to make it. Score! I'll defrost and toast the Pamela's Bread and Baking mix rolls I made and froze a few weeks ago."

Ellen rolls up her sleeves. The kitchen begins to hum. Forty-five minutes later. Voila - Felafel Sandwiches with Tahini Lemon Sauce and Israeli Cucumber & Tomato Salad. And leftover felafel to boot.


1 (15 oz) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup dry gluten-free breadcrumbs
1 celery stalk
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/8 tsp cayenne or pinch of crushed red pepper
2 medium cloves garlic
3 tbsp tahini
1/4 cup chickpea flour (or other gluten free flour) + extra
olive or canola oil

Place chickpeas in food processor and mix until smooth. Add remaining ingredients (onion through tahini) and mix until well-combined. Chill 1 hour (or more).

Pour chickpea flour onto flat plate. Scoop out felafel mixture with small ice cream scoop (size is your choice, though smaller works better) onto plate with chickpea flour. Carefully dredge patty in the flour being careful to avoid breaking it.

Heat skillet. Pour in some oil (about 1 tbsp) and when it is hot, add the felafel patties. Fry both sides of each patty until crisp. You will probably have to add more oil periodically, as the felafel soaks up the oil (this isn't a low-cal dish).

Remove to paper towel until ready to eat. Makes about 15 - 20 small patties, depending on the size of your ice cream scoop. They can be reheated or kept warm in a 200 degree oven.

Tahini Lemon Dressing

1/2 cup plain, unsweetened soy yogurt
2 tbsp tahini
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 scallion, diced
1 minced garlic clove
2 tbsp chopped parsley
1/4 tsp ground cumin
pinch of crushed red pepper
dash of paprika
dash of wheat-free tamari
salt & black pepper to taste

Beat ingredients well, using a whisk. Alternatively, place all ingredients in blender and mix.

Israeli Cucumber & Tomato Salad

Mix chopped cucumber and tomatoes. Add fresh squeezed lemon juice, olive oil, salt & pepper.

Click here for printable recipe


  1. Yum! This sounds delicious Ellen! Cute post =D.

  2. haha! Love the little story!
    I love how you made the Felafel too - I've only ever made them deep-fried which is too much fuss and dredged in fat.
    Thanks, I've just added another thing to my "must eat this December" list!

  3. Yum! Sometimes, those gee-what'll-I-make-for-dinner dishes turn out the best!

  4. Ellen I am so glad I have found your site. Your falafel looks yummy! I have also made your veggie loaf and it is absolutely delicious!

  5. Hurray! Gluten-free felafels at last. =) Adding this recipe to our list of things to try soon.

    Love the way you wrote your "story" too.

  6. Hi Lauren, Theresa, Taste Eats, dreaminitvegan, and Fayinagirl,

    Thank you! So glad you all liked the post and the recipe. I just had some leftovers from last nights' dinner and it was delicious!


  7. Hi Ellen! I saw your post as I was adding you to my blogroll and laughed with excitement because of the gluten free product review I was about to post. Gluten-Free Pita Bread! You can read the review on my blog, "Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom" and even get involved to win 2 free packages of the pita breads! They are wonderful!!


  8. Sounds great! Thanks for making such an amazing blog. I can't wait to check out more recipes! I'm attempting to keep a blog of food I eat so that if I am unknowingly digesting the wrong stuff people will let me know! Thanks for making recipes that are GF!
