Sunday, June 20, 2010

Multi Grain Waffles with Fruit Sauce (gluten free, dairy free)

I love waffles. Crisp on the outside. Tender on the inside. Smothered in maple syrup. Or fruit sauce. Happy, happy. Joy, joy. Perfect Father's Day brunch fare.

Yes, you can have your gluten free and dairy free waffle and eat it too. And this recipe actually has some nutritional value to it, in that the batter includes flaxmeal which is high in omega 3's aand almond flour which is higher in protein than your more commonly used gluten free flours (white or brown rice flour, potato starch, tapioca starch). By the way, this recipe is not unlike the Gluten Free Pancake recipe I posted about here. One of the differences is that the waffle recipe uses a tad more oil in the batter. And instead of using the King Arthur Gluten Free Flour Blend, I combined my own blend of gluten free flours, in an effort to boost the nutritional value of the recipe. Though not the bulk of this recipe, the multi-grain flours (teff, almond flour, flaxmeal) have a presence.

Gluten Free & Dairy Free Multi Grain Waffles

Makes 8 square waffles

click here for printable recipe

Wet Ingredients:
1 large egg (room temperature)
3 tbsp grapeseed (or other vegetable) oil
1 cup water
2 tsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Dry Ingredients:
1/3 cup brown rice flour less 1 tbsp
1/3 cup white rice flour less 1 tbsp
3 - 4 tbsp almond flour
3 tbsp potato starch
3 tbsp tapioca starch
1 tbsp flaxmeal
1 tbsp teff flour
1 tbsp coconut sugar (or other sweetener - if you use agave, use less water)
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp + 1/8 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp + 1/8 tsp xanthan gum
1/8 tsp pectin

Preheat your waffle iron.

In a large bowl, whisk the wet ingredients together.

In a medium bowl, blend the dry ingredients together. Regarding the almond flour, start with 3 tbsp of it, adding the extra tablespoon as needed to thicken the batter. Add this mixture to the wet ingredients. Blend well.

Spray your waffle iron with vegetable spray. Pour about 1/4 cup batter into each waffle section on the griddle. Cook until done. Serve with maple syrup or fruit sauce (see recipe below).

As I pondered what to make for our small, intimate Father's Day brunch, I found two small peaches and one pear sitting on my kitchen counter. They were beginning to shrivel and look pretty unappetizing. In the past, I might've tossed them onto the compost pile. Not today. I decided to look past their blemishes, peel them and make a delicious fruit sauce to ladle over my waffles. Wow! I had to stop myself from licking the plate.

For my gluten free fruit sauce recipe, I used coconut sugar. One of my new faves, it has a lower glycemic index than white sugar, is less processed, and often is a great stand-in for recipes that call for white sugar. I also used Tropical Traditions Gold Label Standard Virgin Coconut Oil instead of butter. Once thought to be very high in cholesterol, research indicates that coconut oil is much healthier than vegetable oil. It is rich in lauric acid, a nutrient that supports the body’s immune system. And for those of us whose immune systems have been compromised due to Celiac Disease, I'm all about doing whatever I can to support my immune system. Read more about coconut oil here.

Fruit Sauce

1/4 cup water
1/4 cup coconut sugar
1 1/2 tbsp coconut oil
1 cup mixed fruit (I used 2 small peeled peaches, 1 peeled pear, 1/2 peeled apple)

Combine the water, sugar, and coconut boil in a medium heavy-bottomed saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring constantly to prevent it from burning. When the mixture turns thick and syrup-like, add the fruit. Reduce the heat to low and cook for another few minutes until the fruit begins to soften.

To my own father and my husband's father, both of whose memories are for a blessing, you are thought of often and with love. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!


  1. Ellen, I just happened upon your blog and had to laugh a bit to myself, because I just wrote about a waffle recipe I created yesterday :). I read your story and just loved hearing how you journeyed through. I found out I was intolerant/allergic to Gluten and a whole list of other things in the fall of 2008. What a life altering experience it was! Thank you for sharing your story. Check out my blog if you have a chance and please feel free to comment or make suggestions. Happy Father's Day :)

  2. Steph5:37 AM

    Hi Ellen,

    Your recipe looks delicious:) I've been trying to find a great, neutral flavored coconut oil that isn't overpowering...Does the coconut oil from Tropical Traditions have a strong coconut flavor - or a neutral, all-purpose flavor?

  3. I love that you are always playing with delicious waffles and pancakes and such. I need a new waffle maker - I bought one cheap-o one that doesn't heat enough, so I need to get a better one to make these! I love waffles and I prefer them to pancakes - and with this fruit sauce, who could resist?

  4. I still haven't figured out waffles sans eggs! I keep having to add eggs! lol.. Waffles are happy food! I just love them! Their shapes are just so much fun to eat!! :-)

  5. I love waffles and yours sound so good! Will have to give them a try.

  6. I've seen plenty of gluten-free waffles, but few that looked as good as these! Very impressive!

  7. Sweet & Salty Sea - thanks for stopping by. I checked out your blog and found some great recipes! Yes, making significant food changes is definitely life-altering - I concur! Hope all is well on that front for you.

    Sophie - thanks!

    Steph - I like Tropical Traditions - it definitely has a coconuty flavor, but I don't find it overwhelming at all.

    Tasty Eats At Home - I used to have a cheapy waffle maker but I love waffles and find them appealing not only for breakfast but for sandwiches as well. And I freeze the extras and use them for breadcrumbs (thanks to Karina the Gluten Free Goddess for that tip). So, yes, treat yourself. It's worth it!

    Carrie - I'm still not able to successfully make waffles sans eggs, but I'll keep trying.

    Rogene - good luck! Let me know of your success.

    Hannah - gee thanks! I so appreciate your kind words and compliment!

  8. I found your blog in a search looking for a source for a friend who needs gluten free recipes and resources. What a great site! I need look no where else; my friend will think me a genius for finding you! I am at
    New to the blog world and learning daily.
    Gald I found you and your blog. Thanks for sharing your work. New fan, Lisa

  9. Hi Ellen,

    I Came across your on blogctalog and I really enjoy reading your post. I just bought a waffle maker and bade pretty good ones, but I will definitely try your recipe =) Thank you for sharing!

  10. Man, I really need to experiment with teff flour! I've never cooked with it before. It sounds like it adds something to this recipe. Thanks for the great waffle ideas!
