Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mac & Cheeze (gluten free, vegan, dairy free)

Oh Mac & Cheeze, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

1. It's very creamy and is the ultimate in comfort food.

2. It's quick and easy to make, and sometimes you just need quick and easy.

3. It makes me feel like a kid again. Add a popsicle for dessert and it's a homerun extraordinare.

4. I can eat it naked (not me, silly, the noodles! I can eat them straight, just with the sauce, or add broccoli or peas or whatever).

5. I feel totally justified skipping salad or any other vegetable if I add veggies to the Mac & Cheeze. I can justify my way out of a paper bag:).

6. This recipe never fails to amaze me. I mean, how the heck does the sauce really turn orange and still remain dairy-free?

7. Leftover Mac & Cheeze is the best.

Mac & Cheeze

printable recipe

1/2 lb (or 8 oz) gluten free pasta
2 tbsp Earth Balance or vegetable oil
2 tbsp cornstarch
1 cup soymilk (or alternative unsweetened milk of choice)
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp white wine
1 tbsp miso (I used Brown Rice miso)
2 tsp tahini
2 tsp dijon mustard
2 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
1 small clove garlic, minced
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/4 - 1/2 tsp smoked paprika, optional
1 c. fresh broccoli florets, microwaved or steamed until just tender or frozen peas, defrosted
sea salt
freshly ground pepper

Cook pasta. When it is done, drain and then return to pan.

While pasta is cooking, heat the Earth Balance or oil in a medium-sized sauce pan. Add the cornstarch and whisk until thickened (this will only take a few seconds).

Add the remaining ingredients from soymilk through smoked paprika, whisk until thoroughly combined. If you prefer it creamier, add more soymilk. Heat until bubbling then turn down to a simmer.

Pour over pasta and mix until the noodles are coated. Add the broccoli or peas and mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Pat yourself on the back for a job well-done. Enjoy!


  1. Yum, sounds delish! Especially with the broccoli added. :) I made Alisa's Mac and "Cheese" from her book Go Dairy Free and it was very tasty.....excited to try out your version too. :)

  2. Wow, I doubt I could get my kids (5- and 7-yo M&C purists) to try this, but it sounds great to me. Any tips on what I could substitute for these three ingredients, which I can't eat, though? Thanks!
    2 tsp dijon mustard
    2 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
    1 small clove garlic, minced

  3. I was so relieved when I found a GF/Dairy Free mac & cheese recipe! Except you make it in a blender, and then you add sauce to the pasta after it's cooked to gel up the cornstarch. And there's no tomato sauce (although I'm going to try that). It works INSANELY well in any kind of cheesy casserole too (have made baked mac & cheese, modified a much beloved ham casserole dish, scalloped potatoes, etc). I don't think I would heat the sauce before putting it in the oven though (hence the blender!). Onion powder gives it a good kick too.

    But super super tasty. Thanks for posting another variation (this one with adult flavourings! Yummy!) I'm totally making mac & cheese casserole for dinner tonight!

  4. Can you link to the miso you used or list the brand info? Thanks! Shana tova!

  5. It's funny how such a seemingly simple dish from our childhood is now so elusive once we give up gluten and dairy! I made mac & cheeze a while back - didn't blog about it yet though, as it was a first experiment. I used the nacho cheeze recipe on Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen, and wow - so good! I told my husband what it was - gluten-free, dairy-free mac and cheeze - and he said "So, it's really called 'Just Kidding'?" Hahaha...very funny. And BTW, leftover mac & cheeze with chopped tomatoes tastes great for breakfast. Just saying.

  6. Yay! Thank you so much for sharing this!

    I do have a couple questions though...we can't have yeast, rice or tahini (the sesame). Do you have any other options, or can you leave any of those things out? Or am I demanding too much, LOL! Thanks again :)

  7. Allison - I have a blender mac & cheeze recipe as well, but I have to admit, this one is easier, quicker and just as delicious. Thanks for stopping by!

    ~M - South River Miso - the Sweet-Tasting Brown Rice variety (http://www.southrivermiso.com/store/p/1-Sweet-Tasting-Brown-Rice-Miso.html) is the one I use.

    Tasty Eats At Home - I concur. Leftover mac & cheeze for breakfast is perfect!

    Ms. Alicia - I think you could use a different miso - I keep about 4 or 5 jars of the South River Miso in my frig at all times and I think any of them would be great in this recipe. I'm not sure about subbing the tahini - maybe almond butter? It's milder than peanut butter and wouldn't have as strong of a flavor. And for the yeast flakes, gosh, I don't know. They add a lovely cheezy sort of flavor, but I think you could maybe add more paprika or mustard for the missing flavor. I'll give it some more thought and if I think of anything, I'll come back and add another comment.

  8. Yum! Your recipe looks delish Ellen! I love South River Miso too. Have you tried their Garlic-Red Pepper miso? It is very spicy and definitely my fav! :)

  9. Ali - thanks for stopping by! I also love your blog and your cookbook - it's one of my faves! I haven't tried South River's Garlic-Red Pepper Miso, nor have I seen it at Whole Foods or our local health food store. I'll have to keep my eyes open for it. I love their miso - it's excellent!

  10. OMG!
    Can't wait to try this!!!
