Friday, November 5, 2010

Adopt A Gluten Free Blogger: Banana Chocolate Muffins (gluten free, dairy free)


This is a gluten free recipe for Gluten Free Chocolate Banana Muffins. I'm happy to report that it represents the best of many worlds. First of all, it contains chocolate. Say no more. You agree, yes? Second, the recipe calls for Almond Flour, so it is a grain free recipe as well. Thanks to Elana Amsterdam of Elana's Pantry, almond flour is on the gluten free map in a big way. Third, it has bananas. There are certain partners, from a culinary perspective, that when thrown together make lovely music. Chocolate and bananas is one of them. I also wouldn't turn my nose up at chocolate and peanut butter or chocolate and almond butter or chocolate and raspberry. Next on my chocolate docket: check out these babies! I could continue, but I think you know what I mean. I bet you love chocolate too. Don't you??!!!

As you might have imagined, I have no will power when it comes to chocolate. I'm talking none. Zero. Nada. And if it's dark chocolate, fuggetaboutit. So when I saw this recipe on Glugle Gluten-Free's blog, I printed it pronto, and I knew that it wouldn't be gathering dust in my pile of must-make-very-soon gluten free recipes. I made a mental note to make the muffins and post about it as part of the AMAZING Book of Yum's October Adopt A GF Blogger event. I've participated once before when I adopted Carol from Simply…Gluten Free and made her Salt and Vinegar Roasted Kale Chips and blogging about them here.

I met Tia, author of the Glugle Gluten-Free blog, at the blogher '10 conference in San Francisco last month. It was a fantastic experience on so many levels. But the best part of all was meeting so many of the gluten free bloggers that I've admired only from my computer screen. After meeting them, I quickly learned that in addition to having gluten free in common with me, they are all really nice people. So nice in fact that one of them, Tia, brought everyone a whole pile of homemade gluten free muffins (both Banana and Banana Chocolate) on the second morning of the conference. As soon as I took one bite, I knew these would be in my future. When I returned home from the blogher '10 conference, I immediately found Tia's recipe and couldn't wait to make them.

Tia posts about gluten free living and eating. She is a gluten free blogger who wants to help others learn that gluten free living, whether you have Celiac or are gluten intolerant or gluten sensitive is more than manageable. I'm so glad I met her and now consider her one of my good gluten free buddies! Thank you Tia!


  1. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Hi Ellen,

    Thank you, so much! That was a wonderful post. And I am so glad you like the muffins. We always seem to have them around here.

    I feel so bad because I didn't adopt anyone this month. It's been chaos here. Oh my! I keep using that excuse so much that I'm rolling my eyes at myself. :)

    Enjoy the muffins. I am working on a pumpkin version, if you like pumpkin at all.


  2. I LOVE pumpkin. Can't wait to see your version. I know that old eye-rolling trick. I've perfected it!!!

  3. Shalom--I see that you love chocolate. Have you heard of Carob? If not, than check it out. I do not believe there are many people out there that like chocolate as much as I did. I mean...I'll eat it like someone eats their breakfast, lunch or dinner.

    When I learn more about chocolate and the bad effects it had on me; I knew I had to stop having it. I learned about carob; and was happy to notice that it tastes very similar to chocolate, but without the high refined sugar.


  4. They sound great! And I just havppen to have a bunch of overripe bananas on hand. . . yay! I've been horrible with the AaGFB event. . . never seem to get it together on time to adopt someone. Next time! :)

  5. Yum! These sound great and are right up my alley with the grain free thing.

  6. I loved those muffins!!

  7. I'm so jealous! I started eating nuts again with pediatrician's blessing shortly after Blogher, but what a bummer I barely missed Tia's yummy muffins AND Elana's almond chocolate chip cookies at the event. Oh well, better luck next year. I guess I'll just have to make some batches at home!

    Thanks for joining us!

  8. These muffins look wonderful and I like the idea of such "allergy-free" ingredients. You've also inspired me to take some time to figure out this "adopt a GF blogger" event and participate one of these days. I've never done it, but keep thinking I will. You've prompted me to make the leap. Not sure when, but I'm poised to think about it anyway. :-)

    I'm with you on the chocolate love. I think it's in our girlie DNA.

    Peace, love and choco-muffins.

  9. Yuri - I have heard of carob, in fact I just bought some. You remind me that I could give these muffins a try with the carob. Thank you!

    Ricki - hey, I know what you mean. I actually did the AaGFB two months in a row - a first for me!

    Tasty Eats At Home - I've been experimenting a lot with grain free. It's really easy and very satisfying.

    Alisa - yes, they were pretty delicious at blogher'10!

    Sea - you must try them, now that you can use these ingredients. Let me know!!!

    Sophie - yes, Tia is the best! We met at blogher'10 and I immediately felt a connection with her!

    Melissa - you go girl. I'm so glad to know that I've inspired you to participate in Sea's event. It's fun, and really not that labor intensive at all, once you decide to take the plunge. Good luck!

  10. These muffins look delicious! I am always looking for new gluten free recipe sites and I happened to stumble across yours.

    I find myself wanting to grab these muffins out of the picture and start devouring them right away!

  11. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I have made these muffins twice - amazing! I added chocolate chips and left out the extra nuts. So moist and chocolatey without being overly sweet. Thank you!!

  12. I made these muffins yesterday and they were delicious. My kids ate them all! So, I guess I have to make them again this weekend.Great recipe and easy to make too!
