Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Burger Buns

I'm all for making things from scratch, but sometimes there just isn't enough time or the circumstances are such that using a mix is the way to go.

We were visiting my mother-in-law this past weekend and were in the mood for burgers. I had the ingredients to make tempeh burgers (see this recipe to which I added two very small grated beets before forming into burgers) but didn't have any burger buns. So what's a gluten free diva to do?

I went to a local store and bought a package of Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Pizza Crust Mix and adapted the package directions to make burger buns.

Burger Buns
Adapted from recipe on Bob's Red Mill GF Pizza Crust Mix
gluten free, dairy free
makes 8 - 10 buns
(click here for printable recipe)

1 package Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Pizza Crust Mix
1 1/2 cups warm water (not too hot)
Yeast packet (enclosed in pizza crust mix package)
1/4 tsp sugar or honey
1 tbsp flaxmeal
3 tbsp water
2 tbsp canola oil

Pour the pizza crust mix into a bowl and set aside, removing the yeast packet so that you can use the yeast in the next step.

Warm the water in the microwave (about 10 seconds). Remove from micro, add yeast and sugar. Cover with saran wrap and let sit until foamy.

Combine 1 tbsp flaxmeal and 3 tbsp water in a blender on high. This works really well in a blender but you can mix it in a small bowl as well. (If you don't have the flaxmeal and instead you're starting with flaxseeds, take 1 tbsp flax seeds and grind in blender. Then measure out the 1 tbsp of grounded flaxmeal before you mix it with the 3 tbsp water.)

To this mixture in the blender, add the water/yeast/sugar mixture (after it's gotten foamy). Add 2 tbsp canola oil. Blend until combined - about 10 seconds.

NOTE: The recipe on the package calls for 2 eggs. I don't eat eggs so I use the flaxmeal/water substitution.

Pour the blender mixture into the dry pizza crust mixture which you set aside in the first step. Blend with either a hand mixer or a wooden spoon (I used wooden spoon) until combined.

Divide the entire dough mixture into 8 (or 10) equal portions. The size you make your buns will depend on the size you want your buns to be! I made 8 buns from this mixture, but the next time I will make them a little smaller so I might get 10 instead.

Roll and pat them into the shape of a burger bun. (If the dough is too sticky to work with, rub some gluten free cornstarch on the palm of your hands before forming the buns.) Put on a large cookie tray, cover with a towel, and leave on the counter to rise. The package directions say to let the dough rise for 20 minutes, but we were going to the movies so I let it rise for three hours. I have a funny feeling that it helped the buns taste as good as they did, so I will do the same thing next time and let them rise for three hours.

Make sure to preheat your oven at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes before baking the buns. Bake for 30 minutes.

NOTE #1: These buns were MUCH better the next day so whenever possible, try to make them in advance. Right out of the oven, the inside of the buns were kind of gummy. But by the next day, they were perfect.

NOTE #2: I split, oiled, and grilled the buns. That's why they have that barbequed look around the edges:).

Hmmmm, I wonder what else I could use this mix for? I used it to make breadsticks awhile back. But I bet there are other ways to use the mix. Any ideas?


  1. Just tried your cinnamon roll recipe. It was delicious! Although I ended up turning it into a coffee cake instead of rolls...

  2. Wow, great idea! I will try this, especially since we have the Bob's store here in Portland, and also because storebought gf buns aren't that good and way spendy. Thanks for the recipe!!!

  3. LucindaSarina - Love how you "tweaked" the recipe. I'm definitely going to give your way a try!

    Gaile - Yes, the storebought GF buns are very expensive and not nearly as good as homemade. I totally concur!

    Queen B - Thanks! Great to make your cyberacquaintance. I visited your blog and it is great as well!

  4. I'm gluten-free as well. Thanks for the bun recipe. Sounds great. I'm a mystery author, but I post gluten-free recipes on my website as a freebie for fans. Check out recipes at www.darylwoodgerber.com
    Best, Daryl

  5. homemade buns? why didn't i ever think of doing that? yumm!

  6. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Thanks for this recipe. I would never have thought of making a bun that way.

  7. HI, I commented earlier about a cook book, well now I've started a blog and I was wondering if you could put a link of my blog on yours tha web address is
    i have linked to your blog from mine too, thank you

  8. Hey there, I just found your blog, I am a GF gal myself, so I found your burger bun recipe inspiring, how innovative! Can't wait to read more!

  9. I love Bob's pizza crust mix, too, and have frequently made buns with it as well - lately I've been adding whatever fresh herbs I have on hand to the mix, too. YUM.

    I think my favorite mix for buns, though, is Pamela's bread mix - it usually ends up just a bit lighter than Bob's mix.

  10. Oh, how scrumptious!


  11. Karen1:06 AM

    I've made the cinnamon rolls twice now, substituting Crisco butter flavor stick for the butter in the recipe. It is a MAJOR hit! I can't thank you enough for posting it. Just thrills my heart that my son James can have stuff like all the other kids. Gonna try the donut recipe next....

  12. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I totally love all the gluten free recipes but I wondering why nobody talks about bodycare products? Isn't it true what goes on your skin is absorbed into the bloodstream? Wouldn't this effect Celiac's? I think so! My son is a Celiac (thanks mom) So I looked for something and only found TruKid skincare. They have a whole line of products that are gluten free. My son loves them and there was no reaction!

  13. I frickin love you. For realz. Seriously, you have saved my tush from eating bad bad things on more than one occasion. I suck at substituting, and when I get all whiny and sucky that I can't eat stuff, I come check out your blog and then I feel like cooking!!!!

    Do you eat eggs? I found a wicked recipe for vegan french toast I adapted to be GF, as I miss french toast like CRAZY. It involves bananas, almond milk and an immersion blender. It was sooooooo good. I think I shall try your english muffins made into french toast... tasty tasty!!!! And thank you again!!!!!

  14. I have been craving hamburger buns. My son can't have eggs so it's good to know the egg substitute works. I have so many burger recipes I'm sharing on my blog and I usually don't eat them on a bun. Really wanted one and had Whole Foods gf buns. They had eggs and butter. Of course I ended up with that sponge in the stomach feeling. Learned my lesson. I'll be making your recipe this weekend!
