Monday, August 3, 2009

Just-Like-Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies

Put on your apron and roll up your sleeves, it's time for gluten free AND dairy free Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies. I ate three of them in a row, right out of the oven, warm with gooey chocolate chips. They were crisp, just like I like my chocolate chip cookies. I had to stop myself from eating a fourth one. And a fifth one.

Ellen's Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies
gluten free & dairy free
(click here for printable recipe)

3/4 cup + 2 tbsp brown rice flour
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp sweet rice flour
1/4 cup + 1 tbsp tapioca flour
4 tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp sorghum (if you don't have sorghum, increase potato starch flour to 2 tbsp)
1 tbsp potato starch flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp xanthan gum
3/4 tsp sea salt
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tbsp flaxmeal
3 tbsp warm water
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease two large baking sheets or line with parchment paper.

Blend brown rice flour, sweet rice flour, tapioca, cornstarch, potato starch, bakin soda, xanthan gum, and salt in medium sized bowl.

Mix flaxseed meal with 3 tbsp warm water until blended together. I like to do this in a blender.

Pour oil and both sugars into a large bowl. Add flaxseed/water mixture. Mix thoroughly.

Combine the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients.

Add the chocolate chips and mix again.

Pinch off about a tablespoon of batter. Roll in your hands to make a small ball. (SEE NOTE BELOW) Place on the baking sheet and flatten slightly with palm of hand. If possible, leave in frig to chill for a few hours or even overnight. Remove from frig and let sit on counter for 10 minutes before baking.

Bake for 15 minutes, rotating trays halfway through baking time.

Remove from oven. Let sit on baking tray for five minutes then remove to cooling rack.

NOTE: When I formed the cookies from the uncooked dough, the dough was VERY crumbly. In some cases, after I pressed down to flatten the cookie dough, some of the dough would crumble. I had to use my fingers to massage some of the dough back onto the cookie it had fallen from. Ultimately, it didn't affect the look of the cookie as they baked up beautifully. Go figure. Gluten free dough can be temperamental!


  1. These look awesome! I must try them - how do you think agave or brown rice syrup would substitute for the sugar? Thanks for sharing! I'm definitely tweeting these : )

    Kim //

  2. Hi Kim,

    I don't know how the agave or brown rice syrup would work, but I think it would be worth a try. If you do make the substitution, please let me know so that I can share the info with others. Thank you!


  3. Looks great in the photo! I must try these, although sometimes it's VERY hard to find some specific ingredients over here...

    Zosia (new coeliac blogger from Southern Spain ^^)

  4. These look great - thanks for the recipe!

  5. Those look so good! Choc chip cookies are still my all time favorite dessert, and I love making them with oil now too!

  6. I cannot find potato starch flour locally - would need to drive 50 mi. or order through internet. Is there anything I can substitute it with? Thanks. These look great!

  7. Those look great! I usually replace rice flour with sorghum flour. Do you think it would work for this too? They look really good and I'd love to make a few batches for school lunches.

  8. NemuriNeko - Thanks! Good luck with your new diagnosis - may you find great and continued good health!
    aTxVegan - you're most welcome!

    Alisa - yes, using oil for baking cookies has expanded the possibilities for cookie baking. And that is a good thing!

    thewholegang - without having tried replacing sorghum for the rice flour, I can't say definitively, but I would give it a try. Please let me know how it comes out.

  9. Anyone commenting on what I can use to replace potato starch flour from my earlier post? Thanks in advance.

  10. Cindy - try either increasing the sorghum or the tapoica (try tapioca first).


  11. My husband made these tonight! We both had such a craving for chocolate chips cookies and we didn't really like any of the recipes in the gf cookbooks we had on hand. I told him - check out Ellen's site. I'll bet she has a great recipe! You do!

    So amazing! I'm posting a picture of our cookies and linking to you (again)... Can hardly wait until you publish a cookbook. :)

  12. Joanie - THANK YOU!!! I'm so glad you liked them. They're still one of my favorite GF Chocolate Chip cookies. The cookbook is still in the dreaming stage:). But I keep putting it out there into the universe. Somehow, I'm sure it will happen!

    Best, Ellen
