Saturday, December 19, 2009

Enter TofuXpress Contest

I love my TofuXpress.
It is a wonderful invention!
Would you like to win one of these? Read on!

For my money, there's nothing as slimey and unpleasant as unpressed tofu, even if the tofu is extra firm. I just don't care for the mouth feel of wet tofu. In fact, until I learned about pressing tofu, I never ate it. Wouldn't go near it with a ten foot pole!

Enter stage right: TofuXpress. I bought two of these and want to share one of them with a lucky reader!

Before owning my very own TofuXpress, when I drained my tofu, I would place it between two dinner-sized plates and then I would sit a heavy cast iron pot on the top plate. After an hour or so, I would remove the cast iron pot and the top plate and then drain the water from the plate on which the tofu sat. It was an annoying but necessary step, if I wanted to have my tofu and eat it too! But now it's as simple as:

1. Open the package of tofu
2. Drain the water
3. Place the tofu in the TofuXpress
4. Press the top thing-a-ma-jiggie down onto the tofu and walk away!

Doesn't even take a whole hour. It does such an effective job of pressing the water that it reduces the pressing time as well. And the end result is tofu that is perfectly textured.

Sweet & Sour Tofu with Eggless Fried Rice



1. At your blog, create a blog post mentioning this TofuXpress contest.

2. Make sure to link back to my blog post using the following URL:

2. Leave a comment below with a link to your blog post by midnight on Dec. 31st, 2009 so that I know you entered the TofuXpress contest! In your comment, please explain why you want to win this TofuXpress. If you're so inclined, though it's not necessary, add a link to a tofu recipe that you like (hint, my blog has plenty of them!).

On Jan. 1, 2010, I will enter the total number of people who entered the contest into a form at It will create a randomly ordered list. The first number on the list will be the winner. I will announce the winner on my January 2, 2010 blog post. Good luck!


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

  2. Stephanie7:55 PM

    Can we not enter if we don't have a blog?

  3. Hi Stephanie - I was advised to only run the contest for people with blogs. This allows me to build my readership which in turn will help me continue writing this blog. Please accept my sincerest apologies.


  4. I've been itching for one of these ever since my friend told me about them. If it can make tofu that looks as good as yours, the hot darn!

  5. What a nice idea-- the TofuXpress will be a great holiday gift for one of your readers!

    Here's the link to my blog post, where you will find links to one of my tofu recipes and one of yours!

  6. Hi Ellen,
    What a generous give-away. Thank you for offering one to your lucky readers.

    I have blogged about your give-away on my blog. The reason will become apparent as to why I would like my very own, but it is really to stop using my make shift 'cast iron' to press out the water and to own the real thing designed to do the job professionally, plus it would be a lovely belated Christmas gift for my small kitchen.
    Happy New Year to you and your readers.

  7. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Hi Ellen--I posted a link to your contest on my blog..and I've very excited to have found your blog (fellow MA vegan!)! I can't wait to try out your tofu recipes!

  8. Congratulations to Martha from It's A Simply Delicious Life blog. She is the winner of the TofuXpress. And thank you to everyone who entered the contest. I very much appreciate your comments!


  9. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Hey Ellen..I was on the veg GF Yahoo loop with you. Why do you need a tofu press? Are you supposed to press tofu before cooking it in certain recipes? is that why my tofu never comes out like the Chinese restaurant? :-) I will study up on your blog and see if this is mentioned. Thanks Heidi

  10. I just love the way tofu comes out when it's pressed. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for wet tofu and this press is amazing at removing the liquid!
