Sunday, December 27, 2009

Multi-Grain Bagels: Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free

Some people plan what they're wearing the next day. Not me. It's all about what I'm having for breakfast.

A few weeks ago, I very successfully made bagels from a Breads From Anna bread mix using chia seeds in place of eggs.

Today, I wanted to make bagels from scratch. And I wanted them to be multi-grain AND I wanted to use chia seeds as an egg replacer.

Now, granted, it's been four years since I tasted a bagel made with wheat. So, maybe I'm hallucinating. But it doesn't matter. For me, these bagels are the real deal. Not only that, I absolutely cannot believe how moist and tender the insides of the bagel were. The only significant change - chia seeds.

For those of you who tried making my bagels from this former blog recipe of mine, this recipe is in the same ballpark. But I think the chia VASTLY improves the texture. All I know is that when I sliced these babies open, I couldn't believe my eyes. And my mouth was very happy.

If your interest is piqued, but you want to use eggs, I would eliminate the chia gel and use 4 egg whites, per the original recipe.

Of course, using chia seeds per this new recipe presumes that you have chia seeds in your pantry. As for me, there ain't no turning back. When it comes to using them as an egg replacer for baked goods, I like their performance as much if not more than flax seeds and they've got a lot of nutritional cache, and while pricey, you get a lot for your money.

If you think you'd like to make this recipe but don't want to bother with all the ingredients, come back and visit. I'll keep experimenting as time goes on. If I can come up with a bagel that tastes like this one and packs as powerful a nutritional punch, but that has less ingredients, yours truly will be all over it.

Before starting, make your chia gel egg replacer:

1 cup + 2 tbsp water
2 tbsp chia seeds

Combine and let sit for about an hour, stirring with a fork or whisk every 10 minutes. Store unused chia gel in the frig.

Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free Multi-Grain Bagels
makes 15 bagels

1/2 cup sorghum flour
1/2 cup potato starch
1/2 cup millet flour
1/2 cup buckwheat flour (I used light buckwheat, and yes, it's gluten free!)
1/2 cup teff flour
1/4 cup brown rice flour
1/4 cup white rice flour
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup tapioca starch
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp soymilk powder
2 tsp sea salt
1 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1 1/2 tsp guar gum
1 tsp sure-jel
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp agar powder
1 cup water (110 degrees) + 1 tsp sugar + 2 tsp yeast
1/4 cup vegetable shortening melted in 1/2 cup HOT water
1/2 cup chia seed mixture (directions explained above recipe title)
2 tsp apple cider vinegar

NOTE: I used a silpat mat to line my baking sheets (jelly roll pans with sides). Sprinkle cornmeal on them.

1. Place the dry ingredients, from the sorghum flour through the agar, into the bowl of a heavy duty stand mixer. Using the paddle attachment, mix the dry ingredients together just until blended. (I haven't tried this with a hand mixer - I imagine it would work - let me know if you try it.)

2. Mix the 1 cup hot water and 1 tsp sugar and 2 tsp yeast. Cover with plastic wrap - this helps it proof (unless the yeast isn't good to begin with). Set aside.

3. Add the shortening to the HOT water and wait until the shortening melts. If the water isn't hot enough but you've already put the shortening into it, microwave it for another few seconds until it melts. With the mixer on a low speed, SLOWLY add this mixture to your mixing bowl and mix for about 15 seconds.

4. SLOWLY add the chia mixture and mix until blended.

5. Finally, SLOWLY add the warm water/sugar/yeast mixture. Add the apple cider vinegar. When all the liquid is incorporated, turn the mixer on high speed and mix for three minutes.

6. I will post two different ways to form the bagels:

A. The original recipe instructions for forming the bagels: Rub some shortening on your hands. Take a ping-pong sized ball of dough out of the mixing bowl and roll into a ball, then press it between your two hands to make it flatter, then insert your pointer finger into the middle of it to make a hole in the center of the bagel. Place the bagels on the greased sheet pans.

B. My updated instructions: Spray the inside of an ice cream scoop with vegetable spray. Scoop and drop the dough onto your slipat mat (sprinkled first with cornmeal). Repeat with the remaining dough, re-spraying the inside of the scoop as needed. Spray the palm of your hand and gently flatten each bagel. Spray your pointer finger with vegetable spray, insert into the middle of each bagel and create a hole. I found it worked best to wipe my finger after each hole was made and respray it.

7. In either case, cover with a towel or plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for one hour.

8. At about 30 minutes into this process, preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

9. At about 45 minutes into this process, bring a large stockpot of water and 1 teaspoon of sugar to a boil. Once it reaches boiling (and the bagels have risen for one hour), quickly place four bagels in the pot. After 30 seconds, flip them over. Remove them from the pot with a slotted spoon and place on a rack to cool. Repeat with the remaining bagels. The extra water will drip onto the counter below the rack. Return the bagels to the sheet pans.

10. At this point, add any toppings you might like. Sesame seeds, poppy seeds, cinnamon sugar are all nice.

11. Place bagels in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Your bagels might need more or less time - keep an eye on them. When finished, remove from oven and place the bagels on a cooling rack.

NOTE: I have always found that gluten free baked goods need to sit for awhile before eating. Give them a good 30 minutes or more before diving headlong into their deliciousness.

Click here for printable recipe

What's your experience with gluten free bagels? Have you tried making them yourself?


  1. I was never much of a bagel fan - they always seemed to upset my stomach. (now I know why) But with all of the whole-grain goodness in yours, I can only imagine how hearty and delicious these would be. Of course, I'd ruin the dairy-free, vegan thing by slathering on a bit of butter!

  2. I'm newer to GF and have been dying for a reasonable bagel and these would certainly fit! They look great. Do you think it'd be possible to use eggs? If so, would the chia conversion be one or two?

  3. the thing that keeps me from baking is that everyone had a different flour mix for their recipe and I just cannot deal with it. When you open up your bakery, I will be there.... Lederman's is still empty btw

  4. These look absolutely fabulous Ellen!! I can't wait to try them! I've printed your recipe and when I'm off later this week I may just give them a go! I'd love a good bagel!!

  5. I have not done much GF baking. Every recicpe has its own flour mix and by the time I can assemble all the needed ingredients I have misplaced the recipe. When you open up a GF bakery, (there IS space on Water St BTW), I will be there.

  6. Oh my! Those bagels look fabulous! I'm not much of a baker, but I'd love to find these at my local market. =)

  7. I think I need to make some bagels. These look simply amazing =D.

  8. I have these in the oven rising as I type! They were not as complicated as they seem - so far! The dough was pretty easy to work with. I hope they are as tasty as they look! I will report back!

  9. Valerie (m.)10:52 PM

    In addition to being gluten-free, I'm also allergic to yeast (and have other allergies too), so it's challenging to find a bagel recipe that I can eat. I've found only one cookbook that has a recipe for gluten-free dairy-free yeast-free bagels, and every time I've tried making those they have flattened out into the shape of large cookies and had a really awful texture. If I remember right, the recipe I tried is from the cookbook, "I Can't Believe It's Gluten-Free" by Roben Ryberg. That cookbook has a fascinating approach to gluten-free baking -- you mix together egg whites, baking soda, vinegar, baking powder, and only a very small amount of gluten-free flour, and beat the soupy ingredients while they undergo a chemical reaction that turns into a foam that bakes up into an interesting gluten-free breadlike substance. The food chemistry of how these liquids can turn into something bread-like fascinates me. Some of the other recipes in that cookbook work fine for me. But the bagel recipe never does. So... so far I have not succeeded at gluten-free bagel making.

    I recently ran across a conversion that suggested that maybe I could substitute a tablespoon of baking powder for each packet of yeast in a recipe. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm thinking that if it does work, then it opens up a lot of recipe possibilities to me.

    Whew, this got long! Anyway, your bagel recipe looks AMAZING!!! Maybe I should try making a small batch with the yeast --> baking powder conversion and see how that goes. It would be really neat to be able to eat bagels again. I grew up in NYC a block away from H&H Bagels -- the best bagel store in the entire universe. (I am not exaggerating.) But I'd settle for a gluten-free bagel that is just edible. Sigh....

    Anyway, this got long. Sorry to clutter your comments with so much text!

  10. Tasty Eats At Home - I can totally relate - I used to eat bagels like there was no tomorrow and I ALWAYS had a huge stomachache afterwards. Duh! Now I know why!

    Keegan - I absolutely think you can use eggs. I made another version of bagels which I posted and the recipe includes eggs. See this post:
    Plus I think you could probably sub either two eggs or 4 egg whites for this newer recipe. Good luck!

    Stephanie - Yes, yes, I know. And I agree - it is quite a production to have so many flours on hand. But for me, in this stage of my experimenting, I find it necessary to do so. But I promise, I am going to try and gradually cut them down to a more maneagable amt. Meanwhile, though, I'm trying my best to find the right texture yet maintain a high protein profile. And if I open a bakery (ha! ha!), you'll be one of the first to know!

    Carrie - you must try them! I know you'll love them!

    Fayinagirl - ah, if only I could figure out a way to make that happen!

    Holly - by now, your bagels have finished baking. How did they come out!!??? Please let me know!

    Valerie - I know another woman who is yeast-free and she has experimented also with using baking powder (as well as other substitutions) for yeast. I wish I could help you but I'm not experienced in yeast-free baking. Breads From Anna has a yeast-free mix and I've had it - it is wonderful, as are all her breads.
    Good luck! I hope our paths cross again soon. And btw, I used to go to H&H whenever I was in NYC. It is one of the saddest things for me that I can no longer eat them:(. Oh well, these do the trick, I must say!

  11. Look Amazing! What a wonderful bagel! Maybe we can combine someday and feature your recipe on our gluten-free, allergy-free, and vegan blog! Love your site!

  12. Looks like you have another winner, Ellen! I'm one of those folks who really doesn't miss bread often, but I would definitely enjoy trying these. ;-)

    Like Stephanie, I am not too interested in having a bunch of gf flours, especially since I found many that don't agree with me, so I do flourless, crustless, and use a very basic gf flour mix. But it's great that folks like you experiment for those who can do different flours. :-)

    For Valerie, Ali at Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen ( does a lot of yeast-free baking. Her recipes get rave reviews and are so helpful for folks who have additional intolerances/allergies.

    Happy 2010, Ellen!


  13. So, I made these last week (sorry, I forgot to come back!!). They are great!! Definitely look like a bagel - not quite as high. And the taste is good with something on them. Straight up butter worked great. I am not a fan of the taste ontheir own, per se, but really - who eats a dry bagel?

    They are a winner! Thank you!!

  14. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I am so grateful fro blogs like yours! Without them my son would be eating potatoes everyday fro the rest of his life :) Thank you

  15. Holly - so glad you had success with them. Yes, they aren't as big and high as wheat bagels, but they do the trick for me. I am going to try to make them a little bigger - I'll let you know if I have success.

    Candice - your comment warms my heart. Thank you!!!!! I'm so glad I can help - that's my goal!

    best, Ellen

  16. What is sure gel?
    Are you sure that tef is GF? I have had some reactions to it that are not pleasant. What could I use in place of it?


  17. Sadie - surejel is a product used in canning fruits. It helps them congeal. You can find it in the canning section of your supermarket. In terms of the teff flour, if you are having a reaction I would first check the source of the flour and make sure it comes from a dedicated gluten free facility. Otherwise consider replacing it with a different flour that you are sure you can eat. Thanks!
