Thursday, January 14, 2010

Gluten Free Recipe for Granola

Do you ever feel blue cause you have to follow a gluten free diet? Can I tell you something? Make this gluten free recipe for granola and you'll feel like a million bucks. Gluten free granola from a gluten free granola recipe. That is just friggin' far out and rocks my gluten free world.

"Just wait there a minute. Did you say Gluten Free Granola? I thought granola was made with oats. I thought oats weren't gluten free!"

Nope. Not true. Oats are gluten free, but make sure you buy certified gluten free oats. From here or here or here. Or maybe you know other manufacturers. If so, please let me know so that I can add them to this list.

POST NOTE: Thank you to Shirley of Gluten Free Easily for suggesting two more gluten free oats vendors.

Only Oats
Gifts Of Nature

Of course, make sure that all the ingredients are gluten free. I use Bob's Red Mill gluten free oats. I always keep about six bags in my pantry at any given time. You never know when the mood will strike for gluten free granola, gluten free oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, Artisan Maple Oat Bread, Gluten Free Millet Oatmeal Bread, Hearty Four-Grain Gluten Free Breakfast Cereal, Gluten Free Peanut Butter Granola Bars. Hm, what else? If you think of anything, let me know in your comments. I'm sure my readers would be interested in finding out different ways to use oats.

Back to my recipe. But wait, first, check this out. Here's a video of me making my gluten free granola recipe. I'm wearing about twenty layers of clothing and look lik I live in the North Pole. What the heck - that's January in New England for you.

Gluten Free Granola

7 cups oats
1/2 cup rice bran
1 cup quinoa flakes
1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup chopped almonds
1 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup sesame seeds
1/2 cup flax seeds
3 tbsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp sea salt
1 cup canola oil
1 cup honey
1 tbsp vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Combine all the dry ingredients in a large bowl.

3. Combine the oil, honey, and vanilla extract. Mix well. Pour over the dry ingredients and blend thoroughly with a large spoon.

4. Spread the mixture on a lightly greased baking pan and roast for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven, mix the granola and return to the oven. Roast again for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and reduce the heat to 250 degrees. Mix the granola and return to the oven for one or two more 15 minute segments, mixing between any baking segments.

5. When the granola is finished baking, let it sit in the baking pans until it cools. While it cools, stir it every 15 minutes to prevent it from clumping.

Option #1: add dried fruits (raisins, diced apricots, cranberries etc.) during the last one or two baking segments. If you add it much sooner than that, the fruit is likely to burn.

Option #2: Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup molasses to oil/honey/vanilla mixture before mixing with dry mixture.

Option #3: Bake in a crockpot on high for 1 1/2 hours, mixing every 30 minutes, then low for 3 - 4 hours, propped open with a chopstick, mixing every 30 minutes. When I've done this in the crockpot, I've used two crockpots - the granola was easier to handle and less likely to burn. It might've been my particular crockpots, but that's what worked for me. Here's an online gluten free recipe for gluten free granola made in the crockpot.

Click here for printable recipe


  1. I'm glad you cleared up the oats question. We use oats all the time and have no problem with them. =)

  2. I love Bob's Red Mill gluten-free oats. I think homemade granola is in order! Yum!

  3. Can't tell you how excited I am to have you share a granola recipe! We've tried to find one and have not been successful... This one looks great!

    We are fortunate to live in Seattle and Bob's Red Mill is a couple hours south in Portland - so we visit a couple times a year (though the majority of his products are available everywhere; but not all of them. It's a good excuse for a day trip too and a fun place to visit).

    Love your blog and the recipes you share! Going to post your video on my blog and link back over here... Abundant blessings!

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Ha! I love it. I made gluten-free granola recently too and I TOTALLY felt like a million bucks. Also, re: the amount of BRM gluten-free oats you have on hand, I am right there with you. I cannot be without them!

  5. I love gluten-free oats, too. We use them whole, but also blend them up to oat flour. Oat flour works really great in muffins and cookies.
    Thanks for a great post!

  6. Gluten Free Granola is definitely something I need in my life!

    I sympathize with your New England winter layers, I lived in Massachusetts for 22 years - I've only just escaped to California 7 months ago, this has been the best winter of my life :)

  7. Hi Ellen,

    The two certified gluten-free oat vendors I'd add would be Only Oats ( and Gifts of Nature Oats ( Both are certified gluten free by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (under GIG), which certifies to less than 10 ppm. If oats are not certified by the GFCO, I will absolutely not buy them. Some of us who are gluten free still have sensitivities to even the GFCO gluten-free oats though. I can enjoy an oatmeal cookie or two and probably your lovely granola occasionally (love the photo of the jars lined up!), but I can't eat oats for breakfast every morning.

    Cool on making the video! Last, did you see that your blog was awarded a bronze medal in Easy Eats' review of gluten-free blogs. That's awesome! Congrats! Easy Eats is a great electronic gf publication, if you are not aware of it. You can subscribe to it at, but issues are not online as far as I know. I'd be happy to forward you the latest issue in the mean time though. Great way to see other gf blogs, too. I was so happy just to be listed. :-)

    Congrats again! Hugs,

  8. Fayinagirl: It seems that people have different reactions to oats. My sister, for example (who has Celiac) does fine with Quaker Oats. I can't tolerate Bob's Red Mill GF Steel Cut Oats, even though I'm fine with Bob's Red Mill GF Rolled Oats. So, I guess it just depends on the person. But glad I could help.

    Tasty Eats At Home: Yes, homemade granola IS in order. Have you made them yet???!!!

    Joanie: How lucky you are to live so close to Bob's Red Mill. Thanks so much for sharing my blog with your blog readers!

    Autumn: Great minds think alike!

    Kim and Megan: I haven't tried grinding them. That will be my next venture. Thanks for the idea!

    Coach KBeans: Welcome! Glad you stopped by! Come back and visit!

    Shirley: Thank you for letting me know about the other two GF oats vendors. I've already amended my post to reflect your suggestion. And thank you so much for letting me know!!! I am so tickled and will definitely explore Easy Eats, you can be sure of that! I would be so grateful if you could forward me the latest issue. Be well!

    best, Ellen

  9. Thanks for the link back ... not at all necessary, but much appreciated!

    I wanted to add some more info on the 2004 study of gluten in oats by The Gluten-Free Dietitian, Tricia Thompson, that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. I was familiar with the study from an article that GF Living magazine did on it soon afterwards. However, Tricia graciously spoke at one of our support group meetings last year, so it's especially ingrained in my brain. Ellen, if your sister, who you say eats Quaker Oats with no issues or anyone else eats these oats listed below, please share this data with them.

    "Four different lots of McCann's oats, a brand which was at one time thought to be gluten-free, were tested in 2004 (Thompson). One sample had no detectable gluten (less than 3 ppm), but the remaining three samples showed levels of 12, 23, and 725 ppm gluten. In this same study, Quaker Oats Old-Fashioned samples had levels of 338, 364, 971, and 1807 ppm gluten; Country Choice Old-Fashioned had one sample with no detectable gluten, and three other samples with 131, 210, and 120 ppm gluten."

    Now remember that the likely standard to be set by the FDA for the gluten-free label will be less than 20 ppm. And, the GFCO certifies at less than 10 ppm. That considered, look at those numbers above again. We should all remember that no obvious symptoms does not mean that there is no damage. An answer by Ivor Hill MD in this month's Gluten-Free Living magazine in regard to what happens with deliberate cheating occasionally states that "Continued cheating on the diet will lead to progressive damage, and we know that in many cases, this can be fairly extensive for some years before clinical signs develop." In other words, one can continue to get some gluten and NOTHING might show on follow-up testing for years to alert the doctor/patient that something is wrong.

    Last, food for thought ... I won't eat Bob's Red Mill oats because they aren't certified by the GFCO. All the other gluten-free oats are.


  10. It's always nice to see people on video. I've thought about doing one, but don't have a counter that doesn't face a wall. I'd have to set up something. Yours was great.

  11. Thanks Linda! It's been a lot of fun making the videos. We're going to try to make more of them. If you have any suggestions for anything in particular to video, please let me know. I would love your opinion!


  12. Anonymous2:03 AM


    I LOVE your video! You are so good on camera! I will be making your granola this weekend! Looks yummy :-)

  13. Yaaaay!!! Very excited about this recipe!!!

    Just one question. I despise coconut, can you offer a replacement suggestion? Or would it be fine to eliminate it completely?

    I'm brain dead and can't think of anything!!

