Sunday, April 18, 2010

Curried Beet Salad

Beets. Just the sound of the word makes me shudder. I think it was the jarred borscht I was forced to eat as a kid. And then there was schav. Don't get me started. Turned me off all green vegetables for a long time.

Today, I don't half mind eating jarred borscht, though freshly made is so much better. I'm not sure when I made the leap. It might've been the wonderful borscht recipe in the original Moosewood cookbook. Whatever the reason, today I really enjoy eating them. Roasted or steamed or even microwaved, I've been converted. Add peppery arugula, crisp diced apples, toasted walnuts, plump, juicy raisins and curry dressing, draped over a bed of nutty quinoa, and man oh man, it just cannot get much better. And if that doesn't convince you, read about the benefits of eating beets. Maybe you too will decide that beets are your friend.

Curried Beet Salad
printable recipe

4 medium beets, scrubbed, root ends and 1 inch of stems left intact (this will keep them from bleeding)
1 bunch arugula
1 Fuji apple (or other crisp apple), cored, quartered, and sliced
1 stalk celery, thinly sliced
1/4 cup raisins
1/3 cup toasted walnuts or pecans, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup Curry Dressing (see recipe below)

At least an hour before you plan on serving this salad, steam the beets until tender (in steamer or microwave). When finished cooking, slide skins off under running water. Cut beets into small wedges and set aside.

In a salad bowl, toss the arugula with about 1/3 of the vinaigrette.

Toss apple, celery, and raisins with 1/2 of the remaining dressing. Mound in the center of the arugula. Top with the walnuts. Add the remaining dressing and toss. Serve immediately.

Curry Dressing

2 tbsp apple cider
1 medium garlic clove, minced
2 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
1/2 tsp agave or other sweetener
1/4 tsp sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

In a small bowl, whisk the vinegar, garlic, curry powder, mustard, agave, salt and pepper. Drizzling the olive oil into this mixture, slowly whisk until all ingredients are incorporated.

This recipe is entered into Diet, Dessert and Dogs April Sweet or Savory Kitchen Challenge.


  1. This looks amazing. What an awesome combination of sweet and savory. I especially like the many contrasting textures. The more textures in a salad, the better, I think!

    I've recently fallen in love with beets. I love what you've done with them in this recipe :)

    ~Aubree Cherie

  2. Thanks Aubree - I hadn't thought about it, but yes, you're right. The different textures and flavors in this salad really explode in your mouth!


  3. That looks and sounds amazing Ellen! I hadn't thought about the textures either, but the contrasting flavors - yum!

  4. I've never been a big fan of beets, but this actually sounds GOOD to me!

  5. We must have been eating the same jarred beets as kids! It took me a while to get over it, too. ;)

    Thanks so much for entering the challenge, and for this awesome recipe. The medley of flavors, textures and colors here would be sensational. I can't wait to try it.

  6. I too did not like beets as a kid. But the only variety I ate back then were canned/pickled. Then one day I learned how to roast beets. It was as if the skies parted and the sun came out and the angels sang - I now cannot get enough beets! This sounds delicious.

  7. Andrea - the curry puts it over the top! Take beets to a whole new level!

    Alisa - I loved it so much that I made it three meals in a row!

    Ricki - can you even believe they tried to feed us canned beets instead of fresh!?

    Tasty Eats - yup, angels indeed. Parting skies and everything. We're so mature, aren't we???!!!

  8. This is a fantastic, yummy to see this blog, good food, O i feel hungry now, let me have one please, Thanks for share this Yummy post.

  9. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Great blog! I am seriously considering going gluten free and was wondering if you had any advice for me? Thanks!

  10. Term Papers - so glad you liked the post!!!

    Anonymous - find someone who can help you learn the ropes. Talk to people at your local health food store. Read as much as you can on the internet or check books out of the library. Read labels. Eat food that is as close to natural (that is of course gluten free) as possible. That's a good way to start. Hope that helps!

  11. I am so happy that I found you!! On Monday, I will start my yearly veggie cleanse and daily yoga. Your recipes are amazing and I can get all of the nutrients that I need during my 45 days yoga challenge/cleanse!
