Thursday, April 22, 2010

Collards with Sweet Potatoes and Pecans from "The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen" by Rebecca Katz, MS

Collards with Sweet Potatoes and Pecans

When I first looked at the recipe for Kale with Sweet Potatoes and Pecans, I will admit to being skeptical. Truth be told, I've matured. I'm way past the "I wouldn't touch kale, collards, and swiss chard with a 10 foot pole" stage. Despite never trying them until I was in my 50's, I now really enjoy eating them and in fact make at least a few recipes regularly that include these green. However, I normally wouldn't try a recipe featuring greens when first test driving a new cookbook. Not to mention that I didn't really believe that the diced sweet potatoes would cook in five minutes. But then I read Rebecca Katz's introduction to the recipe in her book "The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen", and I was sold. I had to try it. And am I glad I did.

Can you tell from the picture? This recipe is dripping with delicious. What can I say? You gotta try it to believe it. The combination of these ingredients is pure genius. I tip my hat to the author. This cookbook is one of those rare cookbooks that invites you to try every single recipe. Page one - gotta try this one. Page two - gotta try this one. Page three - gotta try this one. And so on and so forth. Lots of gluten free and vegan options, and lots of options for substituting ingredients in recipes that aren't naturally gluten free.

Any eagle eyes who happened to notice that the picture above features collards, not kale? You're right. I didn't have kale but I had a huge bunch of collards, and they were an ideal substitute for the kale in this recipe.

By the way, I'm not hiding anything. The only medical condition I deal with is Celiac Disease. But I read a review of this book on another blog and then a friend of mine referred to and highly recommended it. And once I read through it, I understood the attraction. This book is a treasure trove of recipes that feature whole foods that are easy-to-prepare and beautiful on the eyes. The pictures are delightful and the recipes are rich in nutrients, minerals, and phytochemicals. The author has a lot of cache - she is the senior chef-in-residence and nutritional educator at one of the country's leading cancer wellness centers and is much sought-after speaker at top academic medical centers and conferences throughout the country. And she knows how to cook, that's for sure.

Now, please excuse me. While I skipped to page 89 to make the Kale with Sweet Potatoes and Pecans, I now must go back to the beginning of the book and start on page 1!

Kale (or Collards) with Sweet Potatoes and Pecans
from The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen by Rebecca Katz, MS

click here for printable recipe

2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil or unrefined virgin coconut oil
1 tsp minced fresh ginger
1 cup peeled and finely diced sweet potato or garnet yam
1/8 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 cup Magic Mineral Broth (on page 54 of her book) or water (I used homemade vegetable stock)
3 cups cleaned, stemmed, and chopped dinosaur kale, in bite-size pieces (I used collards)
1/4 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp golden raisins
1/4 tsp maple syrup (yes, this small amount makes a HUGE difference)
2 tbsp ground pecans, for garnish (I chopped them instead)

Heat the oil in a large saute pan over medium heat, then add the ginger and saute for 30 seconds, just until aromatic. Add the sweet potato, cinnamon, and broth (or stock) and saute for about 1 minute. Add the kale (or collards), salt, and raisins and saute until the kale (or collards) is a darker shade of green and the sweet potatoes are tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in the maple syrup and add another pinch of salt if desired. Serve garnished with the ground pecans.


  1. So I fell in love with greens much earlier in life than you did, but that makes no difference - this looks amazing! I am definitely intrigued, and might just buy this book based on this one recipe!

  2. It does look delicious, Ellen! I'm new to greens myself and loving them. ;-) I'm intrigued by that magic mineral broth ... wondering if it's making broth with bones and adding a touch of vinegar to extract the minerals. And, one doesn't have to have cancer to want to keep it away. This book looks like a tasty way to do that! Thanks, Ellen. :-)



  3. It does look delicious, Ellen! I'm new to greens myself and loving them. ;-) I'm intrigued by that magic mineral broth ... wondering if it's making broth with bones and adding a touch of vinegar to extract the minerals. And, one doesn't have to have cancer to want to keep it away. This book looks like a tasty way to do that! Thanks, Ellen. :-)


  4. You know, I was just looking at kale today in the store, and thinking I really need to plan a day to use some in a recipe next week. Thanks!

  5. I've always been okay with greens, but really wasn't exposed to kale, swiss chard, or the like until a few years ago - so they are pretty new to me still.

    This dish looks great and I love that it has a sweet component. I do find collards and kale a bit too bitter on their own personally :)

  6. I have really enjoyed browsing through your blog--I love all the recipes/pictures of the yummy baked goods. It has inspired me in my decision to go gluten-free. I was wondering if you have any advice for a newbie, though. Looking through all the special gf items at the grocery store it seems like they are all expensive. How do you eat this way and keep the costs down?

  7. I love love love sweet potatoes. Adding pecans to them and the greens makes this irresistible. I can't wait to try it!

    I've also linked to this recipe with my Favorite Top Ten Recipes of last week list!

    ~Aubree Cherie

  8. I am still trying to get into eating my greens. I just don't like them! But I love sweet potatoes and I love pecans, so perhaps I will have to give this a try.
